Named after a village in Russia nearest to the location in which it was discovered, Shungite is a rather interesting mineraloid. Geologists believe that shungite may be precambrian in age, formed nearly 2 billion years ago. This mineraloid is typically a lustrous silver to black that is fairly reflective and exhibits a fracture pattern that is very similar to that of obsidian or glass. Shungite lacks any crystalline structure, which is why it is classified as a mineraloid.

Stones that contain shungite are often referred to as shungite, but shungite only refers to the actual mineraloid. For a stone to be accurately considered shungite it must contain at least 98% carbon by weight. Shungite has also been reported to contain trace amounts of fullerenes.

Collectors may enjoy a variety of properties linked to Shungite: its similarity to glass, its brilliant reflective, lustur and its apparent water purification capabilities. Overall, shungite is quite a snazzy substance to behold.
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