.36" Fossil Nodosaur Tooth - Judith River Formation

This is a .36" long tooth from a nodosaur, collected from the Late Cretaceous-aged Judith River formation in Hill County, Montana. While nodosaur teeth are relatively abundant in the formation, not enough skeletal material has been recovered to describe the species accurately. Most often, isolated nodosaurid teeth from this formation are given the species Edmontonia longiceps.

Like most nodosaur teeth out of this formation, it has undergone some natural wear from tumbling.

Comes in an acrylic display case.

Nodosaurs are a family of ankylosaurian dinosaurs that lived from the Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous periods. They were medium to large-sized, quadrupedal herbivores that were heavily armored, adorned with rows of bony armor nodules and spines. Unlike ankylosaurs, nodosaurs lacked mace-like tail clubs. Nodosaurs possessed small, leaf-shaped teeth, which can be impossible to distinguish from ankylosaur teeth when heavily worn or weathered. Nodosaur teeth have a characteristic "shelf" visible below a pocket in the crown, and no center ridge.

An artist's interpretation of the nodosaur Edmontonia rugosidens.  By Mariana Ruiz (Public Domain)
An artist's interpretation of the nodosaur Edmontonia rugosidens. By Mariana Ruiz (Public Domain)

The Judith River Formation is one of the world's most prolific sources of Late Cretaceous vertebrate fossils. At least sixteen Orders containing more than forty Genera are known from the formation. These include fish, amphibians, mammals, and insects in addition to reptiles and avian (birds) and non-avian dinosaurs. Among the more interesting specimens is Leonardo, a mummified and fossilized Brachylophosaurus. This is a hadrosaur, a duck-billed dinosaur found with amazing soft-tissue preservation: skin impressions can be found on 90 percent of its body! The pattern in the skin on its feet is even preserved. In addition to Leonardo, the Judith River Formation contains the remains of the theropod Hesperornis, the only known freshwater Hespernorthid, a penguin-like bird.
Nodosaur indet.
Hill County, Montana
Judith River Formation
.36" long
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