1.5" Bright Orange Crocoite Crystals with Gibbsite - Tasmania

This is a beautiful, 1.5" wide cluster of bright orange crocoite crystals from the famous Adelaide Mine in Tasmania. The crystals are extremely delicate, vibrant in color, and are encrusted in white-grey gibbsite.

Crocoite is a rare, brilliant red-orange mineral consisting of lead chromate. It was first discovered in Russia and has since only been found in only a few other localities around the world. The crystals often form as long, slender prisms arranged in dense clusters.

The Adelaide Mine in Tasmania, Australia is undoubtedly the world’s most famous producer of crocoite specimens. While the mine has been worked over the last few decades, only a small number of pockets of top-quality crocoite have been found. One pocket was located in the 1970s, another in the 1990s, and most of the recent material is coming from a single large pocket found in 2010.

Crocoite & Gibbsite
Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia
1.5 x 1.15"