6.4" Polished Chert Breccia Slab - Western Australia
This is a 6.4" wide polished chert breccia slab from the Pinyalling Hills in the midwest region of Western Australia. Chert breccia consists of innumerable angular fragments of assorted rock types. The dominant rock types associated in the mix are agate, jasper, chert, and hematite, and originates from a type of jasper that goes by the trade name Pinyalling jasper.
Comes with an acrylic display stand.
Comes with an acrylic display stand.
"Breccia" or "brecciated" is the term for rock that has been shattered by geologic forces and later cemented back together by means of percolation and solidification of mineral-rich solutions.
Chalcedony var. Jasper/Agate/Chert & Hematite
Pinyalling Hills, Western Australia
6.4 x 5.4", .45" thick