6.6" Blue Smoke Phantom Colombian Quartz Crystal Cluster - Colombia

This is an interesting, 6.6" long blue smoke quartz crystal cluster. The largest crystals contain milky white-blue phantoms about an inch below the terminations, only adding to the beauty of this gorgeous cluster.

"Blue smoke phantom quartz" is the trade name for quartz crystals from Colombia that contain milky blue-white phantoms. These crystals typically have excellent transparency and can often exhibit iridescent properties along natural fractures. The phantoms within these crystals are a result of impurities present during a portion of the quartz's formation. The subtle color effects of these milky inclusions are produced by the same light-scattering properties that make the sky blue.

Colombian quartz is known for its insane clarity and sharp termination points. These crystals are easily reminiscent of glass daggers and are quite exciting to behold. This locality offers one of the largest varieties of singular, translucent quartz crystals on the market. This quartz is exceptional in both clarity and size and will usually form as spears (individual, long, slender, well-faceted crystals). Collectors can easily see why this material is so popular and why so many make excellent display pieces.

Boyacá Department, Colombia
6.6 x 3.1"