2.85" Iridescent Hoploscaphites Ammonite Fossil - Montana

This is a bumpy, 2.85" Hoploscaphities ammonite specimen collected from the Pierre Shale of Montana. The ammonite is excellent condition, considering the difficulty (and time required) to remove it from the rock. The shell has a red iridescence that enhances the natural texture and white coloring. The rock it was found in is shaped and cut flat for easy, aesthetic display.

Ammonites were predatory cephalopod mollusks that resembled squids with spiral shells. They are more closely related to living octopuses, though their shells resemble that of nautilus species. True ammonites appeared in the fossil record about 240 million years ago during the Triassic Period. The last lineages disappeared 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous.

What an ammonite would have looked like while alive.
What an ammonite would have looked like while alive.

These 70 million year old ammonites lived when South Dakota was a shallow inland sea. They were found preserved in concretions when split open. They then had to be hand-prepared to remove the hard rock surrounding them from their shells, a very time consuming task.
Hoploscaphities crassus
Garfield County, Montana
Pierre Shale - Baculites cf. eliasi Zone
Ammonite: 2.85" wide, Entire specimen: 3.4 x 3"
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