2.5" Jurassic Ammonite (Graphoceras) Fossil - Dorset, England

This is a 2.5" wide, Graphoceras concavum ammonite fossil from Dorset, England. It is Middle Jurassic in age, or approximately 168 million years old. It has been exposed from the rock it was found in. The base of the rock has been cut flat so that it stands up without the need for a display stand.

Ammonites were predatory cephalopod mollusks that resembled squids with spiral shells. They are more closely related to living octopuses, though their shells resemble that of nautilus species. True ammonites appeared in the fossil record about 240 million years ago during the Triassic Period. The last lineages disappeared 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous.

What an ammonite would have looked like while alive.
What an ammonite would have looked like while alive.
Graphoceras concavum
Burton Bradstock, Dorset, England
Inferior Oolite, Concavum Zone
Ammonite 2.5" wide. Entire specimen 5.7 x 2.9"
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